Are you thinking of purchasing a new automobile? Whether you want to buy a car, a truck, or even a motorcycle, you must keep the risks and challenges in mind while taking this decision. You need to make sure that you have some sort of compensation against the losses you are likely to incur. What you need to do is invest in a good quality auto insurance policy. We, at Bi-County Insurance, can be the right choice for you. We are one of the most established and reliable companies which have been in this business for more than 40 years now. We bring you a wide variety of insurance programs, starting from home, automobile, and business insurance to even life, health, and farm insurance programs. We are known for our great quality coverage options and our reasonable premiums. So, if you are based in areas like Burlington, IA, Stronghurst, IL, Galesburg, Oquawka, IL, Monmouth, IL, or Biggsville, then you can opt for us.
Here, we have put together a few questions to ask a company helping you with auto insurance policies. Take a look.
- Are you an independent insurance agency?
You should always try to get independent insurance agencies because they have various kinds of carrier options for you. You will need more carrier options to choose the particular policy because then you will have more choices to find the policy you need according to your requirements and budget. That is why you must first ask the company if they are an independent insurance agency or not.
- Can you provide free quotes?
You should also take free quotes from the company before taking a decision. You must make sure that the charges of the premiums are suitable for your budget. That is why you must ask if the company can help you with estimated rates so that you can match it with your budget or even compare it with others before making the decision.
So, after getting these answers, if you were thinking of choosing us, contact us today.